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Hand Tools for Constructer

Hand Tools for Constructer
The hand tool set is specifically designed for the construction site, based on a thorough research by iNSIGHT team. The design takes hands-on experience into consideration and improves the inconvenience for long-hour use, allowing the gadget to work smoothly and smartly in the hands. The claw at the other end of the crowbar is finely adjusted to avoid any injury while leveraging with one side; the ratchet wrench comes with an elastic stripe on the back for easy-to-carry; the hammer handle is also shaped in a better grip for the fingers and palm.
根據台大智活團隊從工地現場進行的場域研究,探索模板師傅們使用手工具的操作情境,了解可以改善的地方。針對撬棍、棘輪板手、鋁模鎚提出構想 - 透過調整撬棍另一端的彎曲角度,減少施力時被尖端打傷的風險 ; 棘輪板手則在背面增加了彈性繩,讓師傅們可以勾在手指上,防止施作上因一些不好活動的角度而不小心讓板手掉落 ; 考量揮動時的軌跡與手掌抓握之間的關係,調整了鎚子握把的形狀,讓手掌與手指可以更好握持與施力。

Plan : TDRI
Research : iNSIGHT
Design : Chewei Chen
Date : 2021
design by studio chillchill
Hand Tools for Constructer


Hand Tools for Constructer
